Pet Oxygen Mask Initiative - Store options

These Face Mask Helps First Responders Acquire Pet Oxygen Masks at no cost

Join our donation matching program Now!
Departments apply here to receive kits

First responders can now download the New 2019 Instructional Video
** Restrictions apply. Available download for first responders only

We think it's important to mark one's territory.  As the masks may be handed down to other responding departments and then to a veterinary office, the life cycle of the mask is not over. We designed these little labels to be affixed to the masks (1 per) to make sure that there is less confusion and give them a greater chance of being returned to their respective departments. 1 set of 4 is included with every kit. More can be ordered as sets of 4 or 40. 

These larger decals for display on the response vehicles are now available in sets of 4

Keep your eyes peeled for new items!


First responders ordering a full kit on behalf of a department they work for AND 
Members of the community (individuals & organizations) wishing to order pet oxygen mask kits to be donated to their local first responders (fire, ems, police, etc) can do so using this page.
The eTraining files are specifically designed for first responders.

National Fire Safety Month Kit Pricing - OCTOBER 2024
Same kit. Manufacturer generously covers all ground shipping costs. You get a rebate October 1-October 31

First responders/Sponsors needing replacement parts and/or individual masks can get them here.

Need the DVD contents in your inbox right now for training later today? We made the contents of the New 2019 1st RespondR "Pets Need Oxygen Too"™ DVD available for immediate download.
** Restrictions apply

Has your pet been diagnosed with a condition requiring in home oxygen therapy? Are you a veterinarian needing O2 masks? Does your department need replacement masks? 
This order page is for you

ATTENTION PET PARENTS, please know that the hardest part in getting in home oxygen therapy started (at least for most individuals) is finding a provider, in your area, 
that will fulfill veterinary prescriptions. Although it should not be a big deal, it does remain quite difficult to find a provider willing to do so. 
Because all orders are final with us, we don't want you getting stuck with equipment you may not be able to use because you could not find an O2 provider.
So we strongly recommend you start finding an oxygen provider immediately. 

We have some tips and tricks along with oxygen provider links on our FAQ page. For a shortcut to that section click HERE.
In most states and when available, based on customer feedback and experience, we found that the company most likely to accommodate veterinary prescriptions - for individuals - is LINCARE. 
Look for that name in the list of providers. Please note that we cannot speak on behalf of all representatives and make no representation or promise that ALL Lincare providers will be able to help.

Are you missing pet oxygen mask parts? You can stock up on top stoppers, O2 Tubing & diaphragms here

In the event of an emergency, pet rescue alert stickers let rescue personnel know what type and how many pets are inside your home.
Our Alert Stickers come in 2 formats - Sticks on Door & Window Cling (same design)

If you have any questions regarding any aspect of the Wag'N O2 Fur Life - Pet Oxygen Mask Initiative please take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Page

Your continued support is greatly appreciated by the pets saved by first responders!  

The Pet's Life They Save May Be Your Own™!